
Again, I’ve been lax in posting, but it’s all with good reason.  We’ve been trying to enjoy the summer (despite all the crazy Chicago weather).  Lil’ Leo has also been trying to prepare himself to be a big brother this October! 

No I haven’t gone fishing, but admittedly took a bit of a hiatus from posting.  As I work back to finding just the right story to feature, here’s a couple recent animal tales that I stumbled upon.  LOVE THEM!!!


Saw this on “Today” and thought I’d pass it along.  We don’t have the KONG Wabbler, but do have a couple treat balls.  They were key during crate training and it’s amazing to see how Leo’s learned to toss the treat balls in the air to get them to drop harder and release more treats.  I’d love to try the water bottle plush toys…think Leo will LOVE it.  My lil nephew and niece pups – Edison and Maggie – enjoy grain free treats.  Perhaps they’d like those mentioned here?  We’ll have to see … ‘Til next time!


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Who will you choose as the final two NCAA teams – Butler & UConn — go head to head?  I love this championship in particular because of the mascots — Bulldogs and Huskies.  My preference in the animal world goes to the Huskies, but inside I’m cheering for the Butler Dawgs. (Oh, and hearing how English Bulldog mascot Blue II prepares for the game is great. He just struts his paws and puts his game face on.)


Either way … basketball has gone to the dogs this year!



…I just can’t stand being cold anymore.  You probably sensed from my last post that cabin fever has set in and we’re longing for Spring in our house.  But after today, I’m considering a campaign to move my office desk to the sun spot in the building hallway.  It’s just so much warmer than my office and I’m sure my fingers would be more productive typers if they were actually warm. 

Sorry for the ramblings, but it’s just my two cents for the day.  Makes me think back to my post “A Warm Ray of Light.”  Happy Monday!

I recently added the grass imagery to my blog background and am not 100% sold on it yet.  I think I originally added it as I’m just longing for spring — the smell of freshly cut grass, the chance for lil’ Leo to talk long walks and soke in the sun as he lays on the grass, or the feeling of running my bare feet through the blades.  How about you … ready for spring?

This weekend’s forecast is for low 30s even though the first day of spring was officially last Sunday.  At least the snow on the ground melted!

Have a good weekend with your furry babies everyone!

Cool Find!

Every day I receive an email from Groupon and Living Social, announcing the deal-of-the-day.  Some are good; other not so much.  But regardless, the idea of getting items at a discount is always something worth considering.  Here’s my latest find that I thought my fellow pet lovers would appreciate — Doggy Loot.  Like the above mentioned deal sites, this one offers great daily deals for dogs. It’s perfect for all those with puppy purchasing addiction!
You can sign up for the email notifications here.  I missed yesterday’s $10 for a $20 PetCo gift card, but can’t wait to see what else they have planned!  Happy shopping my friends.